Cognisance of the importance of offering online training alternatives to resellers and customers is a critical element in Duxbury Networking’s offering. One of the company’s premier suppliers – Extreme Networking – takes training flexibility to the next level with an extensive array of online and on-site training options.

“Extreme Networks has developed a number of free training courses and certifications that allow our technical staff, resellers and customers to upgrade their skills and knowledge in an easy and non-pressurised way,” says Pete Nel, Business Development Executive for Extreme Networking technology at Duxbury Networking.  

While it is not always possible in the current Covid-influenced setting to offer physical face-to-face training, Extreme does have a number of instructor-led classroom courses which are delivered via certified instructors.

“However, we have seen an increasing demand for both the Extreme Virtual Classroom and Self-Paced Video Learning options. The virtual classroom offers students the ability to virtually attend any of the instructor-led classes from the Extreme Networks portfolio in real-time, from the comfort of their own location. Accessed directly from the Extreme Dojo, self-paced video learning gives students an understanding of their chosen technology. Certification is achievable via supplementary lab classes and examination,” Nel explains.

Finally, the Extreme Ninja Challenge is designed to enable the most experienced engineers to bypass the learning process of formal training and fast track to an Extreme Certified Specialist certification. “It would be remiss of us to promote the training to our resellers and customers so we have exposed our own employees to the various training options. We currently boast a large number of highly-certified engineers who are proof of the efficacy of the Extreme training methodology and course content,” says Nel.

In its quest to keep all stakeholders up to date on the latest available technology, Extreme launched a second Extreme Academy Live training course on 1 April. The eight-week course focuses on wireless networks; covering their importance, how they function, and design best practices for a secure, robust network. All Extreme Academy Live courses can be streamed entirely for free and are accessible to all regardless of networking experience or location, further democratising access to technology training and helping to address the networking skills shortage.

“Extreme Academy Live Course 1, covering networking basics, is recommended ahead of registering for Course 2. The free curriculum is available on-demand via Extreme’s YouTube channel. Students who complete the courses can earn key accreditations and certifications, including an Extreme Networks Associate-level qualification. As testament of the popularity of these course, there are currently almost 10 000 students enrolled globally in Extreme Academy Live,” says Nel.

The IT skills shortage is one of many problems facing enterprises exacerbated by the digital divide. Many are not equipped to address the financial and accessibility barriers that stand between prospective students and professional technology training. Yet the demand for education is clear: Course 1 of Extreme Academy Live, which covers the fundamentals of networking technology, wireless communication, and the Internet, has been viewed over 25 000 times and streamed for

15 000 hours in only three months.

Nel points out that the Extreme Academy is an academic curriculum designed to educate experienced and aspiring IT professionals on networking, security, and cloud fundamentals, as well as machine learning and artificial intelligence. Extreme Academy Live is geared toward those looking for an entry-level introduction to the networking industry and is offered at no cost to participants as part of Extreme’s efforts to bridge the digital divide. Many established IT professionals have also joined the Extreme Academy Live sessions, taking advantage of the opportunity to refresh their skills and share their knowledge with new students.

For colleges, universities, and businesses, Extreme Academy can be integrated into existing curriculums or taught alongside current coursework and training. Extreme Academy’s flexible lesson plans are accessible via virtual classrooms or can be structured for live instruction, fitting into the hybrid model many schools have adopted following the pandemic. Partnering schools and businesses receive teaching resources, state-of-the-art lab equipment, and a diverse training portfolio. 

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