Whether it’s a search for vehicles or missing persons, security operators and investigators need to productively and quickly analyse forensic video content to find what they are looking for.

XProtect® Rapid REVIEW is an easy to use, advanced forensic analytics solution that allows Milestone customers to accelerate investigations and find what they are looking for with speed and accuracy. Powered by BriefCam®’s video analytics technology, hours of video recordings can now be reviewed in minutes, bringing enhanced decision-making and momentum to any investigation.

“XProtect Rapid REVIEW allows security operators and investigators to efficiently search through hours and hours of video recordings and pinpoint exactly what they are looking for in mere minutes. It is an add-on product that is seamlessly integrated into Milestone’s XProtect Smart Client and is an ideal solution for Milestone XProtect customers looking to enhance their VMS investment with premium forensic video analytics,” says Clifton Greeff, National Surveillance Business Manager at Duxbury Networking, local distributors of Milestone technology.

Feature filled

XProtect Rapid REVIEW has an ever-expanding suite of analytics (currently 29 attributes) to use as search filters, seamlessly integrated into a dedicated user interface within the XProtect Smart Client. The forensic analytics solution has a number of wining features: 

·        VIDEO SYNOPSIS® technology powered by BriefCam, gives you the ability to simultaneously present objects that have appeared at different times within the video, enabling the review of hours of video in minutes.

·        Case management. Organise all video assets of an investigation in a single container, bookmark objects of interest, and summarise case findings (including all relevant exhibits) in an exportable report, while dynamically collaborating on cases with other users.

·        Advanced multi-camera search powerfully identifies men, women, children and vehicles of interest with speed and precision, using face recognition, appearance similarity, apparel, colour, size, speed, path, direction, dwell time and illumination change filters.

·        Appearance similarity. Instantly locate people, vehicles, and other items of interest by searching for objects with similar attributes.

·        Face mask detection. Apply Face Mask attribute filter to search and identify face mask usage across video.

·        Proximity identification. Search and identify the distance between individuals over time and location for compliance with physical distancing and for contact tracing.

·        Line crossing. Detect, filter and count objects that cross a demarcation in a pre-defined direction to drive perimeter protection and directional object count.

·        Visual layers. Create visual analytics and heat maps for activity, dwell time, common paths and background changes.

·        Filter tolerance. Adjust tolerance levels to refine search results for class, attributes, colour, dwell time, direction, area, path, face recognition and appearance similarity.

·        Density and speed control. Increase or decrease the number and speed of events shown at once.

·        Sort control. View events by relevance or by order of occurrence and easily zoom in on items of interest.

With the ability to present objects that have appeared at different times within the video simultaneously, XProtect Rapid REVIEW enables the review of hours of video in minutes, dramatically increasing investigation productivity.

“Delivering a seamless experience requires a deep integration of analytics technology. Milestone XProtect is one of only a few VMSs to have a level 4 integration to BriefCam analytics, making XProtect Rapid REVIEW functions available directly from within the XProtect Smart Client. This ensures a seamless experience providing the user with a single user interface experience, from where they can manage their investigation,” says Greeff.

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